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Environment Setup

Supported Operating Systems

The Phat Contract uses the Rust-based ink! language, and is ultimately compiled to WebAssembly (WASM for short).

  • You compile your contract on both macOS and Linux distributions (we use Ubuntu 22.04 as the default Linux distribution);
  • For Windows users, we recommend setting up a Linux development environment with a virtual machine (video tutorial).

The Mac M1/M2 chips do not support the deployment of a local testnet at this time. If you are using a machine with these chips, you will have to deploy to the live testnet through DevPHAse, swanky phala, or Phat UI.

Information to connect to the Phala Live Testnet PoC6

  • RPC WS Endpoint: wss://
  • RPC HTTP Endpoint: https:/
  • Cluster ID: 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001
  • Worker: 0xac5087e0e21de2b2637511e6710db74e5ec2dbc3f02db76ffa02662878ecf333
  • pRuntime URL:

Install Toolchains

Phat Contract shares the same toolchains as ink!.


A prerequisite for compiling Phat Contracts is to have Rust and Cargo (Rustโ€™s project manager) installed.

Rust officially recommends using rustup tool to install and manage different Rust versions. Hereโ€™s an installation guide.


We recommend installing cargo-contract. Itโ€™s a CLI tool that helps set up and manage contracts written with ink!.

Then you can install the cargo-contract with

# use the `--force` to ensure you are updated to the most recent version
cargo install cargo-contract --force

Then check your cargo-contract and ensure itโ€™s updated to 3.2.x with ink! 4 support

cargo contract --version
# cargo-contract-contract 3.2.0-unknown-x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu